books & essays


Between the Edges - Milos Bobic

"Between the Edges"
  Milos Bobic

  THOTH Publishers, 2004.

Strategie voor stedelijkheid - Gert Urhahn and Milos Bobic

"Strategie voor stedelijkheid"
  Gert Urhahn and Milos Bobic

  THOTH Publishers, 1996.

A  Pattern Image - Gert Urhahn and Milos Bobic

"A Pattern Image"
  Gert Urhahn and Milos Bobic

  THOTH Publishers, 1994.

The Role of Time Function in the City Spatial Structures - Milos Bobic

"The Role of Time Function in the City Spatial Structures"
  Milos Bobic

  Avebury/Gower, 1990.

Research into the Republic Square, Belgrade - Milos Bobic

"Research into the Republic Square, Belgrade"
  Milos Bobic

  CEP, 1986.

The Roof Above the Head - Milos Bobic

"The Roof Above the Head"
  Milos Bobic and Sreten Vujovic

  ZZID "Filip Visnjic", 1985.


  • Question of logic ... >>
    in: M. Voyatzaki, (ed.), Architecture and Engineering - The Teaching of Architecture for Multidisciplinary Practice, University of Plymouth, 1999
  • Pictures from Time Squanderland ... >>
    Press Now, Amsterdam, 1999
  • Total-Edge-City-Belgrade ... >>
    Bauwelt, 2004
  • Urbanity Impossible ... >>
    Paper on the Conference Communication, Belgrade, SCG, 2003
  • Selected Publication List

  • Bobic M. (2004), "Between the Edges - Street-building transition as urbanity interface", THOTH, Bussum.
  • Bobic M. (2003), "Urbanity Impossible", Komunikacije, CEP, Beograd.
  • Bobic M. (2000), "Between the Scene and Arena", in: M. Dragicevic-Sesic, I. Sentevska (eds), Urbani spektakl, Clio-YUSTAT, Beograd, pp. 15-31.
  • Bobic M. (2000), Hibrid tradicije, in: D. Pavicevic (ed.), Tradicionalna arhitektura Crne Gore, Univerzitet u Podgorici, Podgorica.
  • Bobic M. (1999), 'Stad naar stomerij', Archis, No. 03, Rotterdam, pp. 54-61.
  • Bobic M., (1999), "De strategie van zelfbouw en het Stijgereiland", in: M. Milanovic et al., Egenwijs Wonen, SWD, Amsterdam, pp. 33-44.
  • Bobic M. (1999), "Question of logic", in: M. Voyatzaki, (ed.), Architecture and Engineering - The Teaching of Architecture for Multidisciplinary Practice, University of Plymouth, 1999, pp. 65-74.
  • Bobic M. (1997), "Brief uit Belgrado", Archis, No. 04, Rotterdam, pp. 26 / 9.
  • Urhahn G., Bobic M. (1996), Strategie voor stedelijkheid, Uitgeverij THOTH, Bussum.
  • Bobic M. (1996), "Een tijdloze patroontaal", Archis, No. 7, Rotterdam, pp. 54 / 60.
  • Bobic M. (1996) "Studies in Morphology of Place", in: T.J.M. v.d. Voordt, H.B.R. Wegen (eds), EAAE - Conference; Doctorates In Architecture, Proceedings Volume 2,TU Delft, Delft, pp. 275 / 84.
  • Bobic, M. (1994), Ruimte voor orde & chaos, Stimulerungsfonds voor Architectuur, Rotterdam.
  • Urhahn G, Bobic M. (1994), "A Pattern Image", Uitgeverij THOTH, Bussum.
  • Bobic M. (1993), "Urbanity as Military Lot", Urbani izziv, No. 23 / 25, Ljubljana, pp. 23 / 8.
  • Bobic M. (1992), "Izazov utopije" (A Challenge of Utopy), in: Druga Srbija, I. Colovic, A. Mimica (eds), Beogradski krug - Plato - Borba, Beograd, pp.105-7
  • Bobic M. (1991), "Belgrade´s Historical Postmodernity", Komunikacija, No. 77, Beograd, pp. 3-4.
  • Bobic M. (1991), "Morfoloske karakteristike Beograda na celini Bulevara revolucije" (Morphology of Belgrade´s Revolution Bulevard), Bilten Bulevar, CEP, No. 3, pp. 5-6.
  • Bobic M. (1991),"Ekotehnoloski aspekti arhitekture", De re Aedifakatoria, No. 2, R. Radovic (ed.), Gradjevinska knjiga, Beograd, pp. 89-103.
  • Bobic M. (1990), "Uticaj dinamicnosti struktue na otvoreni gradski prostor", Saopstenja IAUS, No. 20, Beograd, pp. 87-95.
  • Bobic M. (1990), The Role of Time Function in City Spatial Structures - Past and Present, Avebury, Aldershot.
  • Bobic M. (1990), "Funktion der Form", Bau Art, No. 2, Linz, pp. 54 - 60.
  • Bobic M. (1990) IJ - eiland west - Java Eiland, DRO, Amsterdam.
  • Bobic M., (1989), Meer aandacht voor de openbare ruimte in de binnenstad, Publicaties DRO, Amsterdam.
  • Bobic M., (1986), Istrazivanja za potrebe reconstrucije Trga Republike u Belgradu, CEP, Beograd.
  • Bobic M. , (1986), "Regresija u progresivnom razvoju gradske strukture", Socioloski pregled, Vol. XX, No. 3/4, Beograd, pp. 69 / 80.
  • Bobic M. , Vujovic, S. (eds), (1985), Krov nad glavom (Roof over the Head), Filip Visnjic, Beograd.
  • Bobic M., Gakovic, B., (1983),101 Tema za Novi Osijek , CEP,Beograd.
  • Founder and editor of the magazine Communication, Belgrade, 1983-1987, 50 issues.

    Published hundred and fifty articles and essays in international magazines.