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"Between the Edges" Milos Bobic
THOTH Publishers, 2004.
In an urban setting, a certain equilibrium is achieved with aspects and consequences that are interconnected. In a state of dynamic tension, everything has the potential to impact everything else, and at any given time one subject can be examined from an alternative point of view with a different conclusion being reached. This fact stands as both a challenge and an inspiration that leads scholars to approach the same problem over and over again: to find a more appropriate or precise understanding of the city. Therefore, the book presents a familiar theme re-observed in the scope of another. This book is about spatial relationship between public and private domains considered in the scope of the complex phenomenon of urbanity.
Going beyond an analysis of urban limits, this book focuses on the 'space in-between' where the superimposition between public and private domains occurs. In part, the effort has resulted in a book with a wide overview of spatial forms of the transition zone between the building and the street - interface, which can be seen as a small-scale core of urbanity. In a wider scope, it may bring new elements to the discussion about urban practice today or inspiration to those who wish to cope with both the urbanity and the public space.
Book specifications
Title - Between the Edges, Street-building transition as urbanity interface
Author - Miloš Bobic
ISBN - 90 6868 364 0
Design - Paperback with flaps / 144 pages with 200 full-colour illustrations and 80 black and white illustrations
Publisher - THOTH Publishers, Bussum (The Netherlands)
For any further information, please contact: Maroos Hendrickx, Uitgeverij THOTH, Bussum, tel. +31 (0)35-6944144, e-mail: mrh@thoth.nl, web: www.thoth.nl.