curriculum vitae

Milos Bobic graduated and received his Ph.D. (1988) at the Faculty of Architecture University of Belgrade, where he also taught at the Department of Architectural and Urban Design. He has published several books, including The Role of Time in the City Spatial Structure (Avebury, 1990), A Pattern Image (1994) and Between the Edges (THOTH, 2004) many articles and numerous essays in professional publications and magazines, including weekly publication Vreme. He was founder and editor of monthly professional magazine Komunikacije. Dr. Bobic has been living in Amsterdam since 1992, where he is presently employed at the Amsterdam Physical Planning Department. He lectures at the University Larenstein, as well as at several other schools as a guest professor.

Name: BOBIC Milos (M)
Place and date of birth: Belgrade, 30 June 1946.
Nationality: (ex) Yugoslav, The Netherlands
Address: Amsterdam 1017 JW, Prinsengracht 715
Telephone: +31 / 20 - 626.97.67

Academic background

  • Doctorate (1988) - University of Belgrade
  • Diploma of architect (1972) - summa cum laude
  • Present function

  • Lector in Urban Planning, University of Larenstein, Velp
  • Urban planner, Town planning department, Amsterdam
  • Guest Professor, KU Leuven, Brussels
  • Guest Professor, Academie voor Bouwkunst, Amsterdam
  • Guest Professor, University of Novi Sad (YU)
  • Competitions

  • 2004: Urban plan for Isola di Fiume, Italy
  • 2002: Sustainable Housing, Mexico
  • 2001: The Royal Theatre Building, Copenhagen, Denmark
  • 1997: Aristotelos axis, Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 1996: Glasshouse, Prumeland, The Netherlands
  • 1995: Randstad Holland, Den Haag
  • 1994: Kazerneterrein, Zuidlaren
  • 1993: Station plein, Bergen op Zoom
  • 1993: Tussengebied, Rotterdam - Den Haag
  • 1991: Reconstruction of the Center of the NisTown - award
  • 1991: Business and shopping District Terazijska terasa in Belgrade - IV award
  • 1988: Reconstruction of the Musem Plein, Amsterdam - mention
  • 1988: Reconstruction of the Center of Trstenik Town - II award
  • 1987: Reconstruction of the Center of Lazarevac Town - I award
  • 1985: Residential district of the city of Split - III award
  • 1984: Sport Center in Pljevlja Town - I award
  • 1983: New district of the city of Osijek - I award
  • 1983: Cultural Center in Prizren - III award
  • 1981: Museum of Revolution in the city of Ljubljana - II award
  • 1978: Cultural Center in Sremska Mitrovica Town - I award
  • 1977: Architectural contest for the National Theater in the city of Titograd - I award
  • 1977: Development of the New Center of the city of Titograd - I award
  • 1976: Sport Center in Tuzla Town - award
  • 1976: Museum of the city of Belgrade - award
  • 1976: New district of the Izola Town - mention
  • 1975: Cultural Center in Backa Topola Town - I award
  • 1972: Reconstruction of the Center of the city of Banja Luka - award
  • 1971: New district of the city of Belgrade - I award
  • 1971: Mobiliar urbain, Paris - mention
  • 1971: Reconstruction of the Center of the city of Zagreb - IV award
  • 1971: Tourist Center in Pula - II award
  • 1971: Shopping Center in the city of Skopje - award
  • 1969: Residential District of the city of Split (Spalato) - II award
  • 1969: Tourists Center in Bovec - award
  • 1969: Reconstruction of the Center of Vinkovci Town - I award
  • 1968: Residential unit in Bor Town - I award
  • Projects

  • 2003 Public space, Parkrand building, Buurt 9, Amsterdam.
  • 2002 Urban plan for the neighborhood Buurt 9, Amsterdam.
  • 1999 Urban plan Stationseiland, Amsterdam Inner city.
  • 1997 Urban plan Portland, Rotterdam - under construction.
  • 1992 Residential building in Belgrade - under construction.
  • 1991 Residential building in Belgrade, M. Rakica street - realization 1999.
  • 1989 Reconstruction of Haarlemmer Plein, Amsterdam.
  • 1984 Urban plan for Laila Setti, Algeria
  • 1983 Housing complex in Arzew, Algeria
  • 1982 New district Konik in Titograd Town - realization 1982-1990.
  • 1979 Administrative Center in Budva - realization 1982.
  • 1970 Interior and equipment of the new University of Art in Belgrade - realization 1971.
  • 1972 Open spaces and playgrounds in New Belgrade - realization.
  • 1968 Two apartment house in Belgrade - realization 1970.
  • Development and redevelopment urban plans for the following cities: Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Herugowaard, Randstad (1994-1998), Tilburg - Moerenburg (1993), Obrenovac (1987), Lazarevac (1986), Martin Brod (1986), Belgrade (1986).
  • Publications

  • 1996 Strategie voor syedelijkheid, Uitgeverij TOTH, Bussum.
  • 1994 A Pattern Image, Uitgeverij TOTH, Bussum.
  • 1990 IJ - eiland west - Java Eiland, DRO, Amsterdam.
  • 1990 The Role of Time Function in City Spatial Structures - Past and Present, Gower, Aldershot.
  • 1989 Meer aandacht voor de openbare ruimte in de binnenstad, Publicaties DRO, Amsterdam.
  • 1986 Reconstruction of the Republic Square in Belgrade, CEP, Beograd.
  • 1985 Krov nad glavom (Roof over the Head), Filip Vipnjic, Beograd - essays on housing poverty, (ed.)
  • 1983 101 Tema za Novi Osijek (101 Theme for New City), CEP, Beograd.
  • Founder and editor in chief of the magazine Communications, 1983-1987, (50 issues).
  • Published over two hundred papers and essays, many of them invited, in international magazines.
  • Studies

  • 2002 Studie Stadionplein, Amsterdam.
  • 1998 Redevelopment of the town center of Monster, Monster.
  • 1995 Strategie voor stedlijkheid, Woonbedrijf Amsterdam.
  • 1994 Interactie - voorondezoek naar mogelijkheid van modevorming in de relatie stad/land, RPD, Den Haag.
  • 1994 Milieudifferentiatie in de Randstad, Randstad - RoRo-team, Haarlem.
  • 1993 Lokaties aan sporen, NS / RPD, Utrecht / Den Haag.
  • 1993 Atlas met kansrijke stedelijke milieus, RPD, Den Haag.
  • 1992 Stedelijke ruimte voor Nieuw Oost, DRO, Amsterdam.
  • 1989 Woonmilieus voor Nieuw Oost, DRO, Amsterdam.
  • 1989 Pedestrian Network of the Inner City of Amsterdam, DRO, Amsterdam.
  • 1986 Stanje planiranje poteza ulice Marsala Tita u Beogradu, CEP, Beograd.
  • 1979 Study of the Coastline in Petrovac, CEP, Beograd.
  • Activities

  • 2003 Conference Communication, Belgrade, SCG - paper.
  • 1999 AEEA Conference Architecture and Engineering, University of Plymouth, England - paper.
  • 1977 YUSTAT Conferrence, City and Theatre, Belgrade, lecture.
  • 1995 AEEA Conference Doctorates in Architecture, TU Delft, the Netherlands - paper.
  • 1990 Organized the course for the post-graduate students - Morphology of Organized Space and Time, School of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
  • 1990 Course Housing Morphology on post-graduate course Dwelling, School of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
  • 1990 Course Morphology of the City on post-graduate course Dwelling, School of Architecture, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
  • 1989 Consultant - The Town Planning Department of the City of Amsterdam (DRO).
  • 1988 Participation in the Bureau Podrecca, Vienna, Austria - study trip.
  • Participation in the Bureau KPK, Vienna, Austria - study trip.
  • 1986 Participation in the SAFA Seminar Architecture and Collective Memory, Helsinki, Finland.
  • 1983 Representing Belgrade on ISOCARP Congress in Amsterdam, Holland, with the Project for Knez Mihailova street - shopping and business zone.
  • 1983 Organized Yugoslav Urban Planner Conference Communications, Belgrade.
  • 1971 Participation in the Summer Session at AA, London, England.
  • Held several lectures and courses on city planning matters and architecture in Belgrade, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Amsterdam, Louvain-la-Neuve, Le Mans, Den Haag, Novi Sad, Loeven - Brussels.